“On The Phone #1” 2019


Synthetic polymer and aerosol on wood panel, 60 x 60 cm, 2019

1 in stock

SKU: RED003 Categories: ,


“On The Phone #1” was the first in a series of portraits that conveyed how we emotionally grew attached to mobile phones. In a total subversion of portraiture that usually exists to make a connection with the viewer, Sesto chose to paint subjects on the phone who were preoccupied with someone else and ignored the viewer entirely.

“On The Phone #1” was a painting executed in Sesto’s Red Series from 2018 – 2019. Obsessed with the idea of “connections” and taking stylistic cues from digitisation and cellular networks, the Red Series was perhaps Sesto’s boldest and most unique experiment to date. After 10 years of experimenting with different styles the artist has now discovered a consistent style of his own. It unlikely he will return to this style, though as it escapes all sense of genre it is likely to gather enduring fascination as time progresses. All gallerists shown the work at the time deemed the work “too challenging”, but then again so was everything that was ever avant-garde.

Framed in recycled wood.


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